Vanity And Hygieneoutlander Lists  & Timelines

Explaining hygiene and its importance

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  2. Vanity And Hygieneoutlander Lists   & Timelines 2020
  3. Vanity And Hygieneoutlander Lists   & Timelines Of Events

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Vanity and hygieneoutlander lists   & timelines of events

Personal hygiene refers to a direct view on the entire body. Practicing good hygiene practices on regular basis helps in boosting the self-esteem in addition to changing others’ viewpoint about you. Additionally, the cleanliness of the surroundings should also be maintained in order to maintain proper hygiene. This includes proper body washing accompanied by wearing clean clothes. Furthermore, it is also important to eat and sleep in a clean and safe environment. Maintaining cleanliness and proper hygiene practices can create a good example for your kids and family.

List of personal hygiene products

Well, to maintain the required level of hygiene, there are certain hygiene products which are inevitable for proper hygiene practices. There are numerous hygiene products on hand in the market. However, out of them not more than six to seven products are essential. Besides, there are people who can change their complete appearance through proper care and hygiene practices to avoid smelling like vermin.

Some of the most essential products for apt hygiene care include:


For removing dirt from your hair, shampoo is the best option. Although soap is also good, shampoo works in a better way. It does a lot more than just washing and cleaning the hair. It works on making your hair soft, shiny, free from oil as well as dandruff. Additionally, it also moisturizes your hair. It is, however, important to remember that any brand can show good results if you are not suffering from any serious medical ailment.

Facial cleanser

As is well said, “Face is the index of mind.” Acne and pimple breakouts can be avoided by keeping the skin clean. During teenage, the hormones make an attempt to even out thus leading to secretion of excess oils by the glands. Excess oil content contributes to breakouts. There is an assortment of face cleaning products and brands on hand in the market. These products are quite good and efficient in cleaning the face besides maintaining the skin health.

However, it is also important to remember to be gentle with your skin while washing the face. Therefore, try avoiding cleansers containing abrasive rudiments like beads. It is a misconception that harsh scrubbing provides a better cleaning. Well, it is not so. Harsh scrubbing only leads to skin irritation. So, go for a gentle face wash for cleaning the face.


Sweat is the most common thing during physical activities, irrespective of the season (summers or winters). The sweat is convoyed with an unpleasant odor. Well, not to worry any more. Just like every other problem, this problem also has a solution. Use an antiperspirant or a deodorant.

The deodorant works by covering the smell of sweat by a pleasant scent. An antiperspirant, on the other hand, dries up the sweat glands thus preventing the occurrence of sweat. The antiperspirants are available as a separate product in the market. Alternatively, these can also be obtained as a product that contains the combination of a deodorant as well as an antiperspirant. To find out the best option, it is advisable to go for trying both the products and then make a final choice.

Feminine hygiene products

Times have changed and so have the choices for feminine hygiene products. Present day girls do not vote for the products or stuff used by their mothers or by previous generation girls. There is a variety of sanitary pads and tampons designed particularly for teenagers, keeping their bodies in mind. Besides, these products also conform to the busy lifestyle. Well, this area of hygiene also requires experimenting with different products to find out the best option.

Toothpaste and toothbrush for Oral care

Your teeth form another important area demanding care through proper oral hygiene and cleanliness. It becomes even more important to take good care of your teeth if you are involved in regular or excessive intake of coffee, sports drinks, soda, fruit juice, or similar drinks containing high sugar content. Ensure regular brushing of your teeth using toothpaste that contains fluoride and a soft bristle toothbrush. Additionally, flossing is also important to do away with the residual food particles. Regular brushing and flossing, besides keeping the mouth healthy, also keep away the most embarrassing bad breath. Keep in mind that your old toothbrush should be replaced by a new one every 3-4 months for better hygiene conditions.


Many of you might be using three special soap types each for your body, hands, and face. Well, to add to your info, a single soap is sufficient for the entire body. Moreover, it is not necessary to use a specialized anti-bacterial soap. Such soaps may destroy even the good bacteria. It is the scrubbing motion during the hand wash that provides the actual benefit. Same is the case while bathing and using the soap on the entire body to do away with dirt and grunge.

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Hand sanitizer

This is a good alternative for soap if you want to wash your hands. In situations where you are not able to get a soap to wash your hands, like while travelling, you can use an alcohol-based sanitizer to clean your hands in situations like before and after a meal, while inserting or removing your contact lenses, handling wounds and dealing with patients and their medicines, while handling soiled stuff or garbage, and similar more situations. A hand sanitizer is, however, more helpful during travel. Keeping your hands clean and free of germs is the primary and most important hygiene step towards good health.

Nail cutter

Keeping your finger nails trimmed and clean is an important aspect of hygiene. Your finger nails for the primary ground for bacteria and germs. Trimmed and short nails are free from any king of germs and dirt. Besides, a nail brush can also be used to scrub beneath the nails while bathing or during hand wash. All this calls for the requirement of a nail cutter as hygiene essential. Furthermore, hangnails (the loose skin surrounding the nails and is about to get detached) should also be done away with as soon as they begin to occur so as to keep the nails infection free.

Having a clean and smell free body through proper hygiene practices helps in doing away with visible as well as microscopic grime and germs. This would, in addition to keeping you healthy, also enhance the confidence level. Even though hygiene issues take their toll on your mind with the beginning of puberty, it is important for people of all age groups to follows proper hygiene practices. With the use of these easy-to-obtain hygiene products, it is easy to ensure a healthy, clean, and confident way of life.



Growing up, you learn the basics of bathroom hygiene from your parents. By the time you're in your teens, your duties escalate from making sure your towel's hung up on the right hook to actually cleaning the bathroom, and your knowledge expands. But no matter how much you might think you know about keeping it clean in the bathroom, there are bathroom hygiene tips that no one ever taught you. Why no one ever taught you about them, you may never know. But now that you've got the following tips and tricks up your sleeve, be sure to pass them along. Because the only thing better than a clean bathroom is someone else's clean bathroom.

From towels to toothbrushes and everything in between, your bathroom is where you get cleaned up — so shouldn't you want to keep things there as clean as possible? Even if you think you're the queen of clean, take a moment to scroll through the following bathroom hygiene tips and consider adjusting your own bathroom accordingly. More than a few of the following tips were eye opening for me, and I'm taking them all into accord to bring my bathroom hygiene to the next level.

TimelinesVanity And Hygieneoutlander Lists  & Timelines

Though hand towels might seem fairly unsuspecting in the realm of bathroom hygiene, the truth is they're one of the things that multiple hands touch consistently. And those hands aren't always clean. According to The Huffington Post, because bath towels are extra thick, they lock in moisture and breed germs more quickly. In the article, laundry expert Mary Marlowe Leverette recommending washing your hand towels (and all bath towels) with vinegar in place of fabric softener. If you've ever left a load of laundry in the washer for too long, you know that vinegar is the cure for getting rid of that mildew and musty odor. Leverette recommended replacing your towels after about three uses.

Rather than just tossing your toothbrush in with the rest of your daily tools or, worse yet, in the medicine cabinet, the American Dental Association recommended you store your toothbrush in an upright position, in a separate place from everything else.The association noted that storing them in closed containers makes them more apt to breed bacteria.

You can use vinegar for cleaning more than just your bathroom towels. In fact, according to Better Homes and Gardens, vinegar is one of the most powerful tools to combat bacteria. You can utilize white vinegar to clean your toilet, your bathtub, your shower, your shower head, your bathroom tile, and more. Added bonus? You won't have to worry about being trapped in your bathroom with all of those chemicals when you use vinegar.

You know you should replace your hand towels more often than you do — but what about the towel you use after your shower? Dr. Marisa Weiss told that using a fresh towel each time you get out of the shower is the best way to keep things clean. Bacteria can cling to towels, in the damp and thick environment that they provide, which can potentially put you at risk for an infection.

Vanity And Hygieneoutlander Lists   & Timelines 2020

In horrifying news, when you flush your toilet, germs and fecal mater fly everywhere. To avoid getting those germs and fecal matter all over your bathroom, shut the toilet lid before you flush. According to Good Housekeeping, Scrubbing Bubbles reported that 60 percent of people surveyed tend to skip shutting the lid. Start training your family to close the lid, and your bathroom will be so much better off.

Good Housekeeping also recommended keeping your makeup brushes tucked away, especially considering how many people don't close that toilet lid before they flush and just how far that flush-spray can go. Storing your makeup and brushes in the bathroom can make them more susceptible to bacteria growth, too. So keep your beauty supplies and brushes out of the line of germs and designate a special drawer just for them.

I'm honestly horrified when I think about how long I've had my current loofah for. Especially when I found out that dermatologist Dr. Melissa Piliang at the Cleveland Clinic recommended replacing your natural loofah every three to four weeks, and your plastic loofah every two months. Time to toss that loofah.

Vanity And Hygieneoutlander Lists   & Timelines Of Events

Dr. Charles Gerba, professor of microbiology at University of Arizona, told Buzzfeed that 'the average person uses their cell phone for two hours a day, so it’s very easy to recontaminate your hands and transmit the germs to yourself or someone else.' A study at the University found that nine out of ten phones carried potential disease-causing microbes, and 16 percent of cell phones tested positive for fecal matter. Leave your phone out of the bathroom.

I have to be honest with you, I've always been a big fan of the towel hook over the towel bar. But after hearing this news from Good Housekeeping, I might have to change my tune. Apparently, hanging your towels on hooks helps moisture stay trapped between the folds of your towel, which can lead to mildew and bacteria growth. Spreading your towel out to dry on a towel bar might take a smidge more of your time, but it'll prevent that bacteria growth in a big way.