Free Download British Cycling Records Time Trial Programs

Cycling training plan for beginners. Our beginner plan is designed for people who are relatively new to the sport and looking to take on a challenge to build fitness and improve overall health. The best way to conduct a CP60 test is during an organised cycle time trial event, such as a 25 mile or 40km. Pinning a number on your back in a race-setting will help focus your mind on delivering a great performance. If you don’t have access to a cycle time trial, you might be better off doing a CP20 test instead (see below). Many cycling clubs during the summer hold a mid-week evening 10-mile time trial that is open to anyone, and you can enter on the evening. Finding your local club is easy with the British Cycling club finder directory. To start your time trial training program ride a four to six weeks block of base training at E2 @ 100 rpm building to 150-350 km per week (depending on your event, grade and fitness). Combined with this training you want to also do strength endurance efforts of 2-5 mins reps in a big gear low cadence around 60-70 rpm either up hills or into. Includes cycling and running Get unlimited Zwifting across all supported platforms at any time, for one price. Join group rides and workouts, boost fitness with a training plan, and stay motivated with the support of the community.

  1. Free Download British Cycling Records Time Trial Programs 2019
  2. Free Download British Cycling Records Time Trial Programs Online

Using the turbo trainer, on the other hand, means you can take shelter in your garage, shed or living room, while you can tailor your session to work on a specific area of your fitness without worrying about vehicles, traffic lights and road furniture.

And, unless you’re a professional rider with hours and hours available to ride each week, you can use the turbo for 30-90 minute, high intensity training sessions to get fit quick.

There’s no ‘one size fits all’ solution when it comes to the turbo trainer, and what your session entails will depend on your current level of fitness, training goals and, quite frankly, attention span, given that pain-induced boredom can quickly set in when on the turbo, regardless of how well structured the session is.

Free download british cycling records time trial programs online

With that in mind, here are five indoor turbo trainer sessions to work on different areas of your form and fitness: strength efforts, threshold, sweetspot, VO2 Max and cadence drills. In each of these sessions we’ll refer to training zones in order to ensure you’re working at the correct intensity if you train with a heart rate monitor or power meter. Find out how to calculate your training zones here.

Download a PDF of the club membership form from HERE, and return it to Keith Williams at the address shown, with your payment.


Free Download British Cycling Records Time Trial Programs 2019

Annual club membership is £15 first claim, £10 second claim, and students and juniors can join for £5.

What do I get for my money ?

  • Club handbook (2020 edition HERE)
  • Access to an extensive summer club time trial program (the Oxonian CC website has more details: )
  • Affiliation to British Cycling, Wessex cyclo-x and Cycling Time Trials (and to Reading velodrome)

Free Download British Cycling Records Time Trial Programs Online

Free download british cycling records time trial programs 2020

Club kit can be purchased from Impsport: