Dmg Staff Of Hte Adderwizardstree

DuPage Med­ical Group (DMG) was formed in 1999 when three health­care groups serv­ing the west­ern sub­urbs of Chica­go since the 1960s joined togeth­er. Today, DMG has grown into the largest and most suc­cess­ful inde­pen­dent mul­ti-spe­cial­ty physi­cian groups in Illinois.

  1. Dmg Staff Of The Adderwizardstree Cast
  2. Dmg Staff Of The Adderwizardstree Book
  3. Dmg Staff Of The Adderwizardstree Tv Show
  4. Dmg Staff Of The Adderwizardstree Full

This suc­cess is large­ly based on the informed direc­tion it receives through a physi­cian-gov­erned board. DMG is led by expe­ri­enced physi­cians who con­tin­u­al­ly seek inno­va­tions through a mod­el of QEA: Qual­i­ty, Effi­cien­cy and Access.

Man­ag­ing such a proac­tive mod­el of med­i­cine allows DMG to pro­vide qual­i­ty care, con­struct the most advanced facil­i­ties and imple­ment the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy. Through secure access of an elec­tron­ic health record and our patient por­tal, MyChart, our physi­cians and patients stay close­ly con­nect­ed on the care that forms the big­ger pic­ture of each patient’s health. DMG pro­motes strong col­lab­o­ra­tion among its med­ical staff and solic­its help­ful feed­back from patients. Strong admin­is­tra­tive sup­port cre­ates sta­bil­i­ty for DMG physi­cians, empow­er­ing them to help dri­ve the group forward.

The end result is a tight-knit physi­cian group that sets the indus­try stan­dard and keeps ahead of the curve in the ever-chang­ing field of healthcare.

Con­tact Information

Kote Chundu, MD, MMM, is the founding President and Chief Executive Officer of District Medical Group (DMG) from its inception in January 2010 as a nonprofit multispecialty medical group with more than 650 credentialed providers. DMGT manages a diverse, multinational portfolio of companies, with total revenues of around £1.2bn, that provide businesses and consumers with compelling information, analysis, insight, events, news and entertainment.

DuPage Med­ical Group, Cor­po­rate Office
1100 West 31st Street
Suite 300
Down­ers Grove, IL 60515
view map

Gen­er­al Inquiries 1−630−469−9200
Cus­tomer Ser­vice 1−630−942−7998
Appoint­ments 1 – 888-MY-DMG-DR (693−6437)

Mis­sion & Vision


The mis­sion of DuPage Med­ical Group is to enhance the phys­i­cal well being of the patients we serve by con­tin­u­ing to pro­vide the high­est qual­i­ty med­ical care available.


To accom­plish this mis­sion, DuPage Med­ical Group will always pro­vide a com­pre­hen­sive array of health­care ser­vices for our patients, uti­liz­ing lead­ing-edge tech­nol­o­gy and tech­niques. Our med­ical team and sup­port staff will work togeth­er as a close-knit team. In turn, this col­lab­o­ra­tive cul­ture will allow us to con­tin­u­al­ly attract the high­est qual­i­ty physi­cians and staff mem­bers. And by pre­serv­ing the physician’s lead­er­ship role in direct­ing our progress, DMG will ensure the most effi­cient, pro­gres­sive care possible.

The areas that we serve are also the places we call home. Our patients are our friends, fam­i­ly and neigh­bors. DuPage Med­ical Group will con­tin­ue to work active­ly in sup­port of these com­mu­ni­ties through vol­un­teer ser­vice and char­i­ta­ble giving.


DuPage Med­ical Group’s approach to ser­vice excel­lence is based on the fol­low­ing C.A.R.E. val­ues in our dai­ly prac­tice. These apply to inter­ac­tions with every­one we view as our cus­tomers: patients, staff, physi­cians, ven­dors and the greater community.


Gen­uine health­care address­es the needs of the patients and providers alike. The empa­thy that we show towards our cus­tomers begins with active lis­ten­ing. We then respond with action that we believe will pro­vide the best solu­tion. By demon­strat­ing gen­uine inter­est in the cus­tomer and meet­ing their needs, we build the foun­da­tion for DuPage Med­ical Group as a whole.


DuPage Med­ical Group pro­motes a cul­ture of respon­si­bil­i­ty through respon­sive­ness and fol­low-through. Our abil­i­ty to pro­vide the high­est lev­el of care affords us the con­fi­dence to stand by our ser­vice for each cus­tomer. Accu­ra­cy is of the utmost impor­tance. The col­lab­o­ra­tive nature of our work helps us elim­i­nate mis­takes and make the most edu­cat­ed deci­sions possible.


Sen­si­tiv­i­ty applies to much more than the phys­i­cal symp­toms of health­care. We pro­mote respect through con­sid­er­a­tion of each customer’s unique view­points and emo­tions. This cul­ture allows us to fos­ter a pos­i­tive envi­ron­ment to address impor­tant health­care needs. If our cus­tomers under­stand that they can trust us with their per­son­al feel­ings as well as their health con­cerns, we will be able to build rela­tion­ships that offer a life­time of care.


We are com­mit­ted to going above and beyond expec­ta­tions for all cus­tomers at DuPage Med­ical Group. Our goal is to cre­ate a pos­i­tive expe­ri­ence that pro­vides reas­sur­ance and results. We offer pro­fes­sion­al ser­vice and advanced tech­nol­o­gy, all with­in a com­pas­sion­ate set­ting. And by con­tin­u­ous­ly tak­ing the ini­tia­tive to dis­cov­er new inno­va­tions, we give our cus­tomers a sense of secu­ri­ty in know­ing that they are in the most capa­ble hands.


The His­to­ry of DuPage Med­ical Group – Supe­ri­or Health Care and Innovation

DuPage Med­ical Group began 50 years ago as the brain­child of Dr. Robert McCray, a local sur­geon and health care vision­ary. Dr. McCray’s advance­ments helped rede­fine the physi­cian prac­tice in DuPage Coun­ty into the kind of per­son­al­ized, lead­ing-edge health care that until then was rarely avail­able out­side the uni­ver­si­ty med­ical or research cen­ter settings.

The For­ma­tion

In the ear­ly 1960s, Dr. McCray was still new to med­i­cine as a pri­vate-prac­tice sur­geon in Glen Ellyn, Ill., when he began re-imag­in­ing the physi­cian prac­tice as a way to give local patients access to advanced care spe­cial­ists and relat­ed med­ical ser­vices all under one roof. A rev­o­lu­tion­ary idea at a time when only 11 physi­cians prac­ticed in Glen Ellyn with few med­ical spe­cial­ists, Dr. McCray antic­i­pat­ed many aspects of group prac­tice now con­sid­ered commonplace.

Dr. McCray vis­it­ed 35 clin­ics across the coun­try, includ­ing Minnesota’s pres­ti­gious Mayo Clin­ic, exam­in­ing spe­cif­ic ele­ments that made group prac­tices suc­cess­ful. He teamed with sev­er­al local physi­cians – fel­low sur­geon and part­ner Dr. Glen Asselmeier, internists Drs. Joe Crum­rine, Fred Kuharich and James Erlen­born and pedi­a­tri­cians Drs. James Ver­coe and William Kin­dra­chuk. Dr. Gary Chris­tensen joined the team a short time lat­er after com­plet­ing a res­i­den­cy in obstet­rics and gynecology.

The group broke ground in August 1963 on a 12,000-square-foot build­ing and agreed on call­ing itself the Glen Ellyn Clin­ic, part­ly in homage to the Mayo Clinic.

Built with Innovation

The Glen Ellyn Clin­ic opened its doors on Sep­tem­ber 1, 1964, with eight physi­cians, 15 nurs­es and a staff of lab tech­ni­cians and admin­is­tra­tive per­son­nel. The clin­ic offered a host of inno­va­tions that were ground­break­ing at the time – a lab­o­ra­to­ry, X‑ray ser­vices and a phar­ma­cy, all onsite. The clin­ic offered evening hours, around-the-clock pedi­atric care and an urgent care depart­ment. For the first time, DuPage Coun­ty patients had access to a full range of spe­cial­ty health care – surgery, inter­nal med­i­cine, obstet­rics and gyne­col­o­gy, pedi­atrics and ancil­lary ser­vices – in one location.

The clin­ic embraced admin­is­tra­tive inno­va­tions as well. Physi­cians com­bined their nurs­ing and office staffs, med­ical records and billing func­tions. Accounts receiv­able were pooled and a bonus struc­ture imple­ment­ed based on per­for­mance and clin­ic prof­itabil­i­ty. The founders also ensured part­ner­ships would be avail­able to younger physicians.

After it’s first year of oper­a­tion, the clin­ic was see­ing 300 new patients a month. By 1970, the part­ner­ship had grown to 25 physi­cians, while office and lab space was added with a 24,000-square-foot clin­ic expansion.

Suc­cess and Growth

The clinic’s patient pop­u­la­tion and staff con­tin­ued expand­ing in the ear­ly 1970s. Two new office build­ings were built to accom­mo­date the many new med­ical spe­cial­ists who were join­ing. New physi­cians saw Glen Ellyn Clin­ic as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to prac­tice in the com­pa­ny of estab­lished col­leagues. Mean­while, the clin­ic intro­duced a range of spe­cial­ties to the West­ern Sub­urbs, includ­ing tho­racic surgery, neu­ro­surgery, car­diac surgery, gas­troen­terol­o­gy, inva­sive car­di­ol­o­gy and neonatology.

The clin­ic con­tin­ued expand­ing in the 1980s, adding 38,000 square feet of office and lab space to accom­mo­date physi­cians in 16 spe­cial­ties and sub-spe­cial­ties. Clin­ic offices were opened in Bloom­ing­dale and Naperville with a full range of ser­vices. By the end of the decade, the Glen Ellyn Clin­ic was one of the city’s biggest employ­ers – 80 physi­cians and a staff of 480 han­dling 300,000 annu­al patient vis­its. It also owned one of the largest clin­ic oper­at­ed labs in Illi­nois, annu­al­ly per­form­ing more than 100,000 tests onsite and 25,000 more offsite.

Change and Transition

The 1990s saw sig­nif­i­cant changes as sev­er­al found­ing clin­ic part­ners began retir­ing. In addi­tion, advances in med­ical and infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy required sig­nif­i­cant finan­cial invest­ment to keep pace with the indus­try. Beyond that, the emer­gence of man­aged care and the result­ing changes in reim­burse­ment meth­ods called for new oper­a­tional strate­gies. In the late 1990s, the clin­ic became part of the country’s largest physi­cian man­age­ment com­pa­ny in an effort to ensure the finan­cial strength it need­ed to con­tin­ue growing.

The new arrange­ment didn’t mean an end to the chal­lenges, how­ev­er. As man­aged care gained ground in the 1990s, physi­cian groups across the coun­try expe­ri­enced increas­ing pres­sures, includ­ing two oth­ers in DuPage Coun­ty that would fig­ure promi­nent­ly in the Glen Ellyn Clinic’s future – Mid-Amer­i­ca Health Part­ners and Wheaton Med­ical Clinic.

Formed in 1964, Wheaton Med­ical Clin­ic includ­ed 25 physi­cians and had recent­ly affil­i­at­ed itself with a major health insur­er. With 50 pri­ma­ry care physi­cians, Mid-Amer­i­ca Health Part­ners had formed in 1995 as a physi­cian-led inde­pen­dent prac­tice group. After Wheaton Med­ical Clin­ic merged with the Glen Ellyn Clin­ic in 1997, Mid-Amer­i­ca joined the fol­low­ing year. Short­ly after, physi­cians from all three began efforts to return the com­bined clin­ic to the pri­vate physi­cian group-prac­tice mod­el under local control.

The result was DuPage Med­ical Group formed in 1999.

Present-Day Com­mit­ment

DuPage Med­ical Group is now the state’s lead­ing mul­ti-spe­cial­ty group prac­tice and still com­mit­ted to supe­ri­or care and inno­va­tion, with a lead­er­ship struc­ture designed to main­tain bal­ance between pri­ma­ry and spe­cial­ty care. With more than 700 pri­ma­ry care and spe­cial­ty physi­cians in more than 100 loca­tions, DuPage Med­ical Group han­dles upwards of 2 mil­lion patient vis­its annu­al­ly, treat­ing about a third of DuPage County’s population.

Today, DuPage Med­ical Group is expe­ri­enc­ing unprece­dent­ed growth and expan­sion into neigh­bor­ing coun­ties, as the orga­ni­za­tion con­tin­u­ous­ly strives to meet the pop­u­la­tion growth and move­ment of patients into sur­round­ing areas. Car­ry­ing on the lega­cy of Dr. McCray and his co-founders, DuPage Med­ical Group is focused on pro­vid­ing the West­ern Sub­urbs with access to the finest health care avail­able and oper­at­ing on the prin­ci­pal that physi­cians make the best deci­sions for patient care.

Dmg staff of the adderwizardstree tv show

The Road Ahead

With recent­ly enact­ed changes in nation­al health care pol­i­cy, uncer­tain­ty in the indus­try is like­ly to linger for the next sev­er­al years. DuPage Med­ical Group will stay pre­pared by con­tin­u­ing to attract the most tal­ent­ed physi­cians, nurs­es and admin­is­tra­tive staff. Along the way, we’ll nev­er for­get our founders’ ded­i­ca­tion to the patients and neigh­bor­hoods we serve.

PLEASE NOTE: As of Exalt Version and onward, and the consequent changes to the Paladin, as well as to many weapon types, this page is heavily outdated.

Dmg Staff Of The Adderwizardstree Cast

This page is designed to compare and rank all 16 Classes from highest to lowest Damage per Second. This takes into account each class’ maxed Attack and Dexterity stats, and is separated in two tables: Tiered Weapons and Untiered/ST Weapons.


  1. Abilities or boosts not included. For example, Warrior and Mystic are often boosted when shooting things, while Wizard and Knight have instant ability damage. This will probably be included in the future.
  2. This assumes that all shots fired hit. This is very important, especially when considering bow classes, which often use spread weapons.
  3. This assumes DPS against a single target. Many weapons can hit multiple targets which can increase true DPS significantly.
  4. The “Average” weights more defense piercing as better, so for comparing a class’ DPS to another, they will rank proportionally better if they deal better damage at higher defense.
  5. The DPS is calculated by assuming the character is fully maxed in ATT and DEX, is wearing no ring, and isn’t wearing any equips except the weapon, since abilities aren’t included yet anyway.
    Small: Decimals were rounded for better organization


Tiered Weapons DPS Rank per Class

All classes from highest to lowest DPS with their respective highest tiered weapon (T14).

#114Sword of Majesty306532323115
#214Staff of the Fundamental Core256730242704
#414Sword of Majesty225724242307
#514Bow of Deep Enchantment219526952345
#614Bow of Deep Enchantment219526952345
#714Staff of the Fundamental Core215025332265
#814Bow of Deep Enchantment214827972343
#914Dagger of Dire Hatred214023692209
#1014Sword of Majesty208922442136
#1214Dagger of Dire Hatred200922372077
#1314Dagger of Dire Hatred174519741814
#1414Staff of the Fundamental Core165520131763
#1514Wand of Retribution148916801546
#1614Wand of Retribution106212411115
DmgDmg staff of the adderwizardstree system

Dmg Staff Of The Adderwizardstree Book

Untiered / ST Weapons DPS Rank per Class

All classes from highest to lowest DPS with the best and/or most commonly used UT and ST weapons for DPS. While, for example, Staff of Extreme Prejudice has slightly higher DPS than Staff of Unholy Sacrifice, the latter is way more commonly used because of its higher versatility - thus, both weapons were included in the table.

#1UTStaff of Extreme Prejudice514155684928
#2UTPredator Bow (5 shots)493353124744
#3UTPredator Bow (5 shots)482751194681
#4UTPredator Bow (5 shots)482751194681
#5UTStaff of Unholy Sacrifice476449984646
#6UTStaff of Extreme Prejudice430646634127
#7UTStaff of Unholy Sacrifice399041863891
#9STPixie-Enchanted Sword351638273360
#11UTStaff of Extreme Prejudice337337073206
#12UTSword of the Colossus327133483232
#14UTStaff of Unholy Sacrifice314433283052
#15UTDivinity (with beams)304030963012
#16UTPredator Bow (if only 3 shots hit)296031872847
#17UTCelestial Blade291130122861
#18UTPredator Bow (if only 3 shots hit)289630712809
#19UTPredator Bow (if only 3 shots hit)289630712809
#21UTCorruption Cutter269929762560
#23STPixie-Enchanted Sword255928702403
#25UTCorruption Cutter253428112395
#26STSymbiotic Ripper251626442452
#27UTSword of the Colossus243325112395
#28STSymbiotic Ripper236924972305
#29STPixie-Enchanted Sword236926572225
#30UTCelestial Blade236624442328
#31UTDivinity (with beams)226623222238
#32UTSword of the Colossus225323252217
#33UTCorruption Cutter220324802064
#35UTDivinity (with beams)215222052126
#36STSymbiotic Ripper207522032011

Dmg Staff Of The Adderwizardstree Tv Show


Dmg Staff Of The Adderwizardstree Full

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