Fifth Grademrs. Macsmith's Marvelous Music Site

What is The Marvelous Musical Deli?

“HIGHWAY U.S.A.” - Winchester 5 th grade Concert Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. The Winchester 5 th Graders are hard at work on their March concert, “HIGHWAY U.S.A.”. Our fifth grade 'rock stars' will travel across America; musically, of course! Our performance date is Thursday, March 25 at 6:30 p.m. In Winchester’s multi. Welcome to the Winchester School Music Times:) I am hoping that you will be able to continue experiencing music during our closure. On the musical news page, you will find many websites which will provide you with opportunities for learning about music. Music (Kindergarten – 5th Grade / Mrs. Hartsfield).Required Assignment: Pet Food Commercial. Use a familiar tune (like “Happy Birthday”, “ABC song”, “Mary Had a Little Lamb”, etc.) to make up a jingle for a pet food commercial. Sing your commercial to your family and pet or a stuffed animal. It can be silly or serious. 'The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. Unit 5-3: Chester Cricket's Pigeon Ride famous mysterious rejection organization nervous dangerous education conversation joyous selection inflation imagination marvelous instruction decoration admiration humorous attraction information preparation Unit 5-4: Passage to Freedom: The Sugihara Story.

The Marvelous Musical Deli is an online resource dedicated to teaching the concept of musical form. This website is my endeavor to take the somewhat abstract concept of form and make it more concrete for younger students. While I am not the first to use the concept of making a sandwich to show the parts/sections of a piece of music, I believe this resource is unique in the depth to which it takes the concept. All ideas presented here have been field-tested in the general music classroom with 2nd-5th grade students. My kids love visiting The Marvelous Musical Deli! I hope you and your students find it just as educational (and fun)!

How do I use this website?

The Marvelous Musical Deli is broken into two main sections - For Students & For Teachers. The For Students side of the website is geared towards whole-class instruction (teacher presents material to students during music class) and/or student exploration at home. The For Teachers side is intended to be a behind-the-scenes resource full of lesson plans, extension ideas, curriculum connections (music standards), etc. The teacher resources may be accessed using the navigation bar at the top of this page.

More info about how to use & navigate the wesbite can be found on the How to Use the Deli page (listed under the curriculum tab in the navigation bar at the top of this page).

How do I access the student section?

The For Students section of the website may be accessed from the initial home page, or by clicking the 'For Students' ribbon in the top right corner of any For Teachers page. Likewise, you can return to the For Teachers page by clicking on the ribbon again while on any For Students page. Clear as mud? Here's what you're looking for...

Find the ribbon at the top of this page
and click on it to try it out.

How much does using the website cost? Do I need to pay a subscription fee?

Nope. This site is and always will be a free resource to teachers and students. I make no profit from the information or videos posted to The Marvelous Musical Deli. I do however offer worksheets and other resources for purchase through Teachers Pay Teachers. You can find a list of the deli-related resources I offer here.

In lieu of payment, I'd be mighty appreciative if you'd drop me a line and let me know what you think of the site. Sharing the website address with you music teacher friends would also be welcomed! :-)

Who are you?

This site was created and is maintained by Angie Kelton. For the past nine years I have been happily teaching general music in the St. Louis area. I am a traveling elementary music teacher and have worked at seven elementary schools in my district at one time or another. I typically travel between 3-4 schools any given year and teach any combination of kindergarten through fifth grade. I am passionate about technology, visuals, video-making, and web design.

In addition to running The Marvelous Musical Deli, I also write a blog at and am the webmaster for the St. Louis chapter of the American Orff Schulwerk Association. You can also find me on Teachers Pay Teachers, Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube.


I have a suggestion for your website. How can I contact you?

Fifth Grade Mrs. Macsmith's Marvelous Music Site Officiel

General questions, comments, suggestions, & wishlist items (what songs you'd like added to the site) can be sent through my contact form. I look forward to hearing from you!

Fifth Grade Mrs. Macsmith's Marvelous Music Site Youtube

For the past few weeks we had to do TCAP.TCAP is an assessment that kids in Colorado do to see if we pass to the next grade. The tests we had to do were reading,writing,math and science.They were LONG and boring. Also, we are going to do a swim party for finishing TCAP next Friday. Another thing our class did last week was have a pizza party!!!!!! The party was very cool and we ate pizza and stuff. One kid brought in an iPad and played music. Also another kid had a birthday and they brought in strawberry shortcake. Everything else has been normal around here. bye bye! by Alex