The Young United Statesmr. Mac's Class 2019 20

Many of our field trips are family-friendly andthose that are, are described that way when we list an upcoming event and shareit on our website, in our newsletters and at our meetings. We have for now put ourYoung Macs program on the back burner.

However, please feel free to contact us if you areinterested in getting involved in the program.



Under James Madison, the United States again fought Britain in the War of 1812 to gain freedom of the seas and to end British interference with United States expansion westward. Vermont (1791), Kentucky (1792), Tennessee(1796), Ohio (1803) and Louisiana (1812) all became states during this period. Redefining children’s and young adult literature to encompass more complex issues and reflect the lives of Black children, teenagers, and families.

The Young United States Mr. Mac's Class 2019 20 Printable

If youlike …

  • being outdoors
  • working with children
  • hands-on activities
  • leading groups
  • learning new things

… then wewould love to have your help with field trips for young Macnamarans. The YoungMacnamarans have offered youth in our area an opportunity to head out intowoods and fields and learn our local natural history. We need volunteers tohelp with set-up, planning, ideas, watching our young naturalists, and havingfun. If you already know something really cool about the outdoors, maybe youcould teach kids what you know!

If youlove nature, are looking to fulfill your community service requirement or justwant to gain experience working with children, then the Young Macnamarans couldbe the place for you.

Contact for more information.

Readabout some of our past activities here.

The Young United Statesmr. Mac

The Young United States Mr. Mac's Class 2019 20 Dollar

Lubbock RTC: Mrs MAC class planted beans early April. The plants have grown but not yet fully grown. Mentoring is a very important part of Children’s Hope. If you are a mentor, you will be able to spend one-on-one-time with a child who is eligible to participate in the program. Mentors develop wonderful relationships with our children and have the opportunity to love them unconditionally and be a positive role model in their life. Family Enrichment Coordinator Prencess Sneed can be reached at (806) 626-2409.