Retirement Is Going To Be So Much Fun...

May 29, 2016 Now, along comes the new Merrill Lynch/Age Wave report, Leisure in Retirement: Beyond the Bucket List, showing that retirees are generally having loads of fun in their unstructured life, regardless. As 75 million Americans approach retirement over the coming decade, they might be in for a rude awakening. Many long-married couples take it for granted that when one of them retires, the other. Learn New Hobbies in Retirement. Too numerous to mention all, but some choices are: drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, playing the piano or other musical instrument, singing, knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, quilting, scrapbooking, photography, gardening, cooking, woodworking, genealogy, crafting. May 12, 2016 Now, along comes the new Merrill Lynch/ Age Wave report, Leisure in Retirement: Beyond the Bucket List, showing that retirees are generally having loads of fun in their unstructured life. Retire at 50 live life have fun ( while your still young not 65 old and can’t walk anymore like I see when I’m on vacation )think about it if you could retire early why,fish,wine tasting ect during the day that’s my 9-5 or work in office,desk headaches, peoples problems,traffic.then go to bed and do the same thing again and again. 8 days a month to just relax or 30 days?as far as society who cares I’ve done my part working 43 years since I was a kid working.selfish who.

  1. Retirement Is Going To Be So Much Fun.. Good
  2. Retirement Is Going To Be So Much Fun.. Paid
  3. Retirement Is Going To Be So Much Fun.. Money

by Anonymous

Retirement Is Going To Be So Much Fun.. Good

I sympathize with those people who are having a hard time dealing with retirement.
My job was eliminated in June, 2014. I am 65 and planned (tentatively) to retire at 66. My severance package brings me to within 3 weeks of turning 66 and collecting social security.
I am lucky - I have two brothers, a husband, and three children (as well as a very mature 9 year-old grand-daughter) who have been helping me with the anxiety and depression I have been feeling since a month or so before I retired. I saw my family doctor, am on an anti-depressant and also go to counseling, as well as taking anxiety medication in the morning, which appears to be the worst time of the day for me.
I am flabbergasted at what has happened to me. I had a stressful job and was looking forward to retirement. Now that it is here, I don't know how to deal with it - I have hobbies - I just don't have the drive or energy to pursue them.
I am fortunate in that I have been able to take 2 short vacations since retirement, but am back in the same slump when I am home.
I am working very hard to overcome my anxiety and depression. I work out at the wellness center 6 days a week, volunteer at a thrift store 3 mornings a week, occasionally volunteer at an assisted living facility, do most of the yardwork (we live in the country and have a huge yard), and take frequent drives with my husband who is also retired.
I also pray a lot for God's help. I will include you in my prayers. Thank you.

Retirement Is Going To Be So Much Fun.. Paid

42 years & dishwasher

Retirement Is Going To Be So Much Fun.. Money

My husband is retired after 42 years. He was a third shifter for 42 years. So I became a custom although I never really care for it to basically my husband being in bed at 2 in the afternoon and he work the weekends so I raised three children wanting out of disability essentially by myself.
My husband is a good man and he was around when he could be. He has attention deficit disorder and it was just diagnosed two years ago so that was one of the reasons he preferred to work third shift because he was around most people. I endured it because I love him and he had a strong work ethic.
What we have done is the following, we talked about it for a good two months before his retirement and we've literally almost drawn up a contract of agreement. That agreement is what allowances I am going to give him an understanding this life change and what allowances he is going to give me because I'm also involved in that life change.
Example he is a hobbyist and he likes the Thinker at his attention deficit disorder to that and an idea will come to his head and he'll just jump up and start Ping Pong around.
Well I have always admired his mr. Fix-It and creative tinkering ideas and tell him so I also have a problem with noise I need wind down time due to fibromyalgia.
It's our agreement is after 5 p.m. in the evening he is going to resist that urge to be ping pong around and find activities until bedtime that are quiet like going to his man's face and playing video games or listening to his podcast.
One of the allowances I am making for him is to understand that after that many years I'm sleeping in a pattern that's different from mine that I did not expect that to change overnight.
Want to come specifically to the dishwasher issue and you and your husband I completely understand.
Sitting down and respectfully talk to him try to come to some agreement and maybe one of the things you could do is just a let him start loading the dishwasher. That would give you free time for something like say a bubble bath.
I think one of the things that happens to people when they retire is a lack of scheduling and for men in particular I think the filling of this is what I do with my day that I'm needed to do.
So he might very well welcome the conversation of a schedule allow him the respect of having input into that schedule.
My husband is always wanted to be a ham radio operator so last week I spent hours finding a place where he could test and r general area and encouraging him to sign up which he has done and I even found him a club to join!
So good luck I can only hope that you were just venting or here expression of and then 42 years of marriage that was for the most part good.
Don't Panic communicate with each other and if he loves you and you love him you will find a way to work it out.